Wednesday, July 30, 2008


HI!!!! As you can probably already tell, I am feeling so much more like my normal self than on Monday when I blogged last. I must admit, Monday really wasn't all that fun, but I am having fun now!! At first, the kids at the Boys' and Girls' Club were really stand-off-ish (not sure how to break that word They glared at us from across the room and stuff. Tuesday, most of them were really friendly, and today, they were all totally open and sweet. There are about four little girls who are my favorites: Shania (but you say it shuhn-EYE-uh), T'Jayla, Mecayla, and Fantasia. It took me FOREVER to get to where I can remember their names! :) Shania is hilarious. She has an attitude. It's so funny! I honestly don't know why I love her so much, though. She's sort of a brat, and usually, I cannot STAND brats, but she's different. She talks so funny! She talks like a...a...I don't know exactly, but you know the snap-your-fingers-in-an-arc-above-your-head voice and how you move your head and stuff? It's like that.

I was really homesick yesterday morning, and a little bit this afternoon, but I'm better now. I am having a good time, but, seriously, I MISS YOU MOMMA AND DADDY AND SARAH!! I really never knew how much y'all meant to me, and if I get nothing but knowing that out of this trip (which I know I'll get a lot more than just that), it'll be worth it.

Well, I better go. Tonight is the emotional night. LOL! I love you all back home soooooo much and I can't wait to tell you all this stuff in person. There's no way I can say it all with a computer. Love you!! TTYL! (Talk To You Later for all the im-speak illiterates out there :))